Surgery in Scottsdale, AZ

Dr. Jude LaBarbera is a top specialist in male breast reduction (gynecomastia surgery) due to his deep expertise and extensive experience performing this procedure. He is board-certified in plastic surgery and trusted by patients in Scottsdale and neighboring areas. Dr. LaBarbera has helped many men improve their chest contours and confidence. Our experienced medical team creates customized surgical plans for each patient and provides compassionate care at every stage of their transformation.

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What Is Gynecomastia Surgery?

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Gynecomastia surgery aims to reduce breast tissue and enhance the chest contours in men. Enlarged breasts can affect men regardless of their age. This condition is more common in younger boys who are going through puberty, and older men whose bodies are changing and developing excessive breast tissue.
Male gynecomastia surgery is a great option for men who are trying to overcome the anxiety of exposing their torso in public. Losing weight can help reduce the appearance of male breasts. However, this doesn’t work in all cases because gynecomastia may be caused by excessive gland tissue that does not go away with exercise and diet. Surgery offers permanent results while improving the patient’s self-confidence. After this treatment, many men say that they feel comfortable going shirtless for the first time in years.
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What Causes Gynecomastia?

Enlarged breast shape in men disrupts the masculine figure and causes psychological distress. It is fairly common, affecting 24% – 65% of adult men. Gynecomastia can also occur in adolescence, but it usually resolves within two years without treatment. Some of the known causes of enlarged male breasts include:

Regardless of the cause, Dr. LaBarbera works with all of his patients to remove “man boobs” and restore normal chest size and shape.

Symptoms of

Patients can determine if they have gynecomastia by observing their body changes. Here are the main symptoms of this condition:
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Consultation & Preparation for Gynecomastia Surgery

Before scheduling surgery, Dr. LaBarbera performs several tests and sometimes prescribes medication to see whether there are any improvements. If the symptoms persist, then the operation is the only option.

The severity of gynecomastia determines the surgical technique that should be used. Some mild cases of breast enlargement may be successfully corrected using liposuction. This entails making tiny incisions around the areola and inserting suction tubes to extract fat. If gynecomastia is severe, a bigger incision is made as the surgeon removes excess breast tissue and loose skin. In some cases, Dr. LaBarbera may include skin tightening and nipple repositioning to achieve a proportional chest shape. After creating a treatment plan, we move on to the preparation stage.

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Male Breast Reduction Procedure

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Male breast reduction is performed at an accredited surgical facility under general anesthesia. The anesthesiologist determines the optimal medications and dosage to cause an unconscious state before the operation begins. The patient is carefully monitored to ensure comfort and safety throughout the surgery.
De. LaBarbera makes small incisions around the areola or in the armpit. Incision placement and length may vary based on the patient’s anatomy and surgical plan.

Liposuction is commonly used to remove excess fat around the chest. This allows Dr. LaBarbera to achieve even better results by sculpting that area. The chest will look more masculine without excess fatty tissue.

Dr. LaBarbera removes the excess glandular tissue in the chest via a small incision on the areola. The amount removed depends on the grade of gynecomastia and the goals of the particular patient. The surgeon sculpts the remaining tissue and creates smooth, natural contours.

In some cases, there is a significant amount of loose skin after gland and fat removal. Dr. LaBarbera may trim it to tighten the chest contour and make it look more aesthetically pleasing.

After tissue excision, Dr. LaBarbera carefully closes the incisions, typically with dissolvable sutures. Dressings and compression garments are applied to facilitate proper healing.

Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery

Weeks 1-2

Patients can expect some bruising and swelling around the chest area over the first few weeks after the procedure. Dr. LaBarbera will provide a compression garment that must be worn for at least 14 days. This will help with reshaping and healing. Many patients return to their daily routines after a few days, but strenuous activities must be avoided for about 3 weeks for a better recovery.

Weeks 3-4

The bruising and swelling should continue to go down during this time. Any remaining stitches are usually removed around 3 weeks after surgery. Patients can ease back into exercise but should still avoid strenuous upper-body activities that could impact healing.


The final results appear around 3-6 months post-op. It’s important to protect incisions from sun exposure during the first year. The results will be permanent if patients maintain healthy lifestyles and do not gain weight. After male breast reduction, gynecomastia symptoms disappear completely.
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View Our Gynecomastia Surgery Results

Candidates for Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Most patients who undergo male breast reduction feel uncomfortable or are self-conscious about the appearance of their chest. They avoid certain activities because they don’t want to show their torso. Here are the characteristics of typical candidates for gynecomastia treatment:
Dr. LaBarbera treats each case as unique and aims to achieve dramatic improvements while minimizing scarring. He may also consider other factors, such as health status, breast abnormalities, and weight changes, when qualifying patients for male breast reduction surgery.

Benefits of
Gynecomastia Surgery

Due to gynecomastia, male breast tissue becomes disproportionately large, making the chest look feminine. Luckily, there are effective treatments that can help to restore the original masculine contours. Gynecomastia surgery provides the following benefits:
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Cost of Gynecomastia Surgery in Scottsdale

Male breast reduction cost in Scottsdale, AZ, ranges from $5,000 to $15,000. If gynecomastia is minor and can be treated via liposuction, the price will be on the lower end of the spectrum. However, in severe cases that may require additional nipple repositioning or skin tightening, the procedure will be more expensive.

Patients can receive accurate prices during the initial consultation. Jude LaBarbera MD Plastic Surgery has a team of highly skilled staff at our Scottsdale office. Most of our patients are local residents, but we also work with many people from surrounding areas. With its great infrastructure and high-quality gynecomastia surgery, Scottsdale is one of the top destinations in Arizona for male breast reduction.

How Is Our
Gynecomastia Surgery Different From Others?

Jude LaBarbera MD Plastic Surgery provides excellent care and results for patients seeking gynecomastia treatment. Dr. LaBarbera is a board-certified plastic surgeon with special expertise in male procedures, including breast tissue reduction. He has extensive experience using the latest techniques for treating gynecomastia. Dr. LaBarbera works closely with each individual to create a customized treatment plan to address their unique goals. His surgical skills, patient-centered approach, and commitment to safety ensure that people receive exceptional results and become more confident in their bodies.
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